Saturday, June 16, 2007

Sponsor kids!

Everyone must sponsor a kid. One of the best ways to give to the needy or to invest in the future is to give to kids. They're innocent yet suffering; just born into unfortunate circumstances. By giving them education, nutrition, and healthcare, you are making a huge difference for the rest of their life. You will also keep them out of worse situations. For example, kids are sometimes sold into slavery by a family that cannot afford to feed them, believing the kid would receive better care. Sponsorship can eliminate this!

What's a good way to give? Compassion International. It is highly rated by independent organizations such BBB Wise Giving Alliance which concluded that "Compassion International Inc. (CI) meets the 20 Standards for Charity Accountability" and Charity Navigator which gave Compassion its highest rating of 4 stars.

It costs just $1 a day ($32 a month), and it goes so far. I've visited 2 sponsorship sites, and the difference in these kids lives is amazing. Here's an article about one of my visits and a highlight of my life.

Me in the news.

Such a sweet experience.

And for y'all that believe in the Bible, may I remind you our responsibility to widows and orphans.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Dr. Drew,

I just found your blog from a link left by a hit on my own blog. I started reading at the top, and scrolled on down to read the post about sponsoring kids. Delighted to see it!

I'm a Compassion sponsor as well as a child advocate (read: volunteer for Compassion's Advocates Network, speaking to everyone who will let me speak about the needs of these kids and the ministries of Compassion).

You might like to know that Charity Navigator has actually given its highest rating to Compassion International for five years straight, which puts CI among a small percentage of the charities rated by that organization. CI is truly an organization to trust. Thanks for telling your readers, and God bless you in your stay in Korea.

P.S. - If you have an opportunity, why don't you visit the offices of Compassion International/South Korea, there in Seoul. I had the wonderful opportunity of meeting Justin, the president of CI in Korea, four and a half years ago. The way God has taken Compassion's ministries from where they began, in South Korea, 55 years ago, to where they are now is a story of many blessings.