Monday, May 21, 2007

How to save the world by making people furious...

How can we...

lower our national debt?
fight global warming?
lessen our dependence on foreign oil?
decrease the amount of traffic?
trim our nation's waistlines?
help people make friends with strangers?
create thriving downtowns in our cities?
slow urban sprawl?

Raise gas prices!

By increasing gas taxes, we could raise money to either eliminate vehicle registration fees, pay off our debts, etc. People would drive less, which would decrease oil consumption and emissions. People would walk/bike more, bettering their health. People would carpool and use public transportation more, helping our individualistic nation become more communal. Cities would become even more popular with housing that is next to work/dining/shopping/entertainment/etc. European cities have such charm, not only because they are so old, but because people actually work, live, eat, and relax there. Fewer people would be rushing into newly developed suburbs in order to have their personal 1/2 acre of grass they have to water to keep alive.

It bugs me so much when people complain about the gas prices, when they are very low compared to the rest of the world. Even though I have 2 high performance cars that run on high octane gas, when the prices go up, I am secretly happy inside. I don't have much of a commute now, but I'm sure I'd feel the same if I did.

Now I know this isn't going to happen. Too many people are nearsighted and don't see the benefits of higher gas prices or gas taxes. No officials have the balls to commit political suicide and implement these taxes now. But I just had to write this, and hope people start thinking and talking it up.

I know this is something that has to happen gradually, or else we would destroy certain industries.

Please leave comments.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Drew-I agree with you 100%...well 90% actually. The only caveat would be the increase in food prices due to increased farming, shipping, and processing costs. Also, higher fuel costs really impact poorer, rural workers (especially in AK) such as farmers, fishermen, bush pilots, etc.

However, I like that higher costs (particularly if they are implemented by the government in the form of taxes and not by oil-companies in an attempt to secure profits) could cut the overall dependancy of our society on fossil fuels and promote the advancement of alternative fuel technologies.

Hey dude, you need to call me. Its been forever!