Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

I just enjoyed Christmas day with my aunt and grandparents here in Ohio. I got a big phat 80 gig iPod for Christmas from my parents (THANK YOU!). I went from no iPod for all my life, to the big kahuna. I have only converted about 20 gigs of my music to mp3s, and I'm about 1/4th of the way through, so potentially this can hold my hold collection. Amazing.

I'm in a busy month of inpatient medicine. Haven't been doing much except working, caring for my fish, watching Lost, and being involved with my church. The Air Force put me as an alternate for getting anesthesiology training, so in the next month, maybe I'll be allowed to continue with residency at Loma Linda. But I thinking most likely it won't happen. So then, I'll be moving who knows where in July.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Drew!
It's Patricia Thio...saw your blog from my office google alert for "loma linda." Yep...I'm still here at LL. Anyway, just thought I'd say "Hi!" And, while I'm at it, Merry Christmas (a day late) and Happy New Year! :)