Saturday, January 28, 2006


I broke my right ankle (a bimalleolar fracture with diplacement) while mountain biking on Tuesday this past week. My bike slid out while taking a sandy curve too fast in a canyon. My foot was so disfigured, it almost made my nauseous. My friend Jeff was with me fortunately, so he went down to call 911, and I layed around until I decided to finish riding down the hill with one leg. I almost made it to the bottom when the fire department arrived. It's a bad fracture, so sugery is required to put a plate on my fibula and a couple pins in my tibia. And my ankle is so swollen. There is barely any pain (except with any movement, especially jarring movement), but the worst thing is that I've got to keep the foot above my head all day and night to keep the swelling under control. I seems pretty nice to just lay down all day, watching TV, reading magazines, and having friends make you food, but it really sucks to not be able to do much for yourself, especially when I have some important paperwork and errands to complete right now. I also had to cancel my Big Sky Clinic rotation, and move some interviews and rotations around.

A few notes:

It's amazing how quick you start pleading to God when you're in trouble.
I don't know what the big deal is with narcotics. It wasn't anything really special.
I will be mountain biking again, and I really hope that I won't have long lasting ligamentous weakness in the ankle.


Anonymous said...

What kind of narcotics did they have you on? Some are certainly more potent than others. I've never felt the slightest bit groggy or otherwise messed up when I've been prescribed lesser opiates like meperidine or hydrocodone, but I was given oxycodone for an elbow injury once and it wiped me out quite thoroughly.

That said, given some folk's life-destroying search for the next fix, I certainly don't know what the big deal is either.

Andrew & Candice Barnett said...

I had morphine and dilaudid IV. Supposedly doesn't get any better.

Anonymous said...

hmmm, one would think. Well, it took the edge off the pain anyways I should hope.