Saturday, August 19, 2006

Inpatient Medicine & Anesthesia

So I've now been on my first inpatient medicine rotation for over 2 weeks. The first week, I worked 80 hours probably, but things are letting up recently, mainly because fewer people a coming to the ER on the days I'm on call. It's quite intense, having the health of these patients in my hands. And especially for call at night, when I'm the first line for emergencies on the wards. Nothing too exciting has happened yet... I did have my first patient death, an 89 year old man. It was sudden and unexpected, likely a stroke or heart attack. It was weird because he was starting to make a turn for the better.

I gotten good news from the Air Force. They are going to allow several people (around 7 I think) to go into Anesthesia next July, and so far, there are only 10 or so applicants. Even better news is that Loma Linda's Anesthesiology Residency expanded it's residency, and they offered me one of their open spots. So if all goes well, looks like I'll be moving back to Loma Linda for 3 years starting in July.